All posts filed under: Soup/EN

piadina romagnola

Piadina Romagnola, Amsterdam version: an expat recipe.

Of all the flatbreads around the world, there is one that in a certain region of Italy is synonym with holidays: piadina romagnola. Flatbreads are a great example of what I like to call “food universals”: they are a common element to many culinary cultures and help us understand how even the most local, typical, identitarian foods are in fact clear expressions of what humans have in common.

pasta Gragnano

Gragnano: Made For Pasta.

Making pasta is easier said than done. Ask the French website lambasted for defiling the recipe of  pasta alla carbonara in a recent video that ignited international outrage before being removed by popular demand. Don’t mess with the sacred things in life! There are places where this typical Italian food is taken very seriously.  As Soup As Possible travelled to the Italian town of Gragnano, allegedly the capital city of pasta, to see how it’s made.