Author: Angelica

apple pie

Dutch apple pie by the book

A warm slice of high apple pie – or, as the natives call it – appeltaart, is one of the first distinctively Dutch things I came to appreciate when I moved to Amsterdam, back in 2012. It’s also the easiest to love about the somewhat austere Dutch cuisine. I must confess I’ll always point guests visiting from abroad in the direction of my favourite appeltaart place, rather than sending them off to nearest herring stall.

potato pancakes

Potato pancakes, a bread recycling recipe.

Sustainability in the kitchen makes for a fantastic excuse to indulge in the crunchy potato pancakes in this Kitchen Story. A classic in many cuisines, potato pancakes recipes often feature flour and eggs as binders. This version, instead, from the family repertoire of our guest cook Carmen, has no flour. Stale bread is one of the main components instead.

chocolate - gianduiotti

A fair share of chocolate. Interview with Guido Gobino.

Chocolate: unless you rank among the rare creatures who don’t like it, it’s safe to assume you have already enjoyed part of your weekly share. If you’re reading this in Ireland, Germany or Switzerland, this would amount to about 200g (people with chocolate allergies and those on a diet will excuse me). Even for those who don’t have much of a sweet tooth, chocolate is a given, an obvious fact of life, together with other exotic yet very familiar goods like coffee or tea.

Royal Palace of Caserta

Royal Palace of Caserta. Dining at the Bourbons’.

Have you ever visited the still lives gallery at the Royal Palace of Caserta? The section dedicated to food paintings is so appetising you will want to grab a fork. As a matter of fact, the history of this essential piece of cutlery has more to share with this lavish royal residency in the South of Italy than you may think.